


After receiving some more feedback about our last edit of the opening sequence, we decided to change it again. We were told that certain parts looked clumsy and out of place, so we then decided to remove and/or replace some of the parts. For example we removed the Christmas tree scene as it didn’t match the rest of the opening sequence, and went back to the top after going down it. The audience did not understand the use of the Christmas tree. Whilst editing we decided to add a video filter, that balanced the colours. we did this so the opening sequence looked as one rather than multiple of clips jumbled up together, this shows this.


Storyboard 3

Storyboard 3

1.) esbalishing shot of woods, with water in view
2.) abbie walks into shot, draging a big bag, it would look like a stuggle to carry it
3.) she drags the bag near the water and she look suspicious, close up of face.
4.) she kicks the bag into the water camera follows bag into the water.
5.) wide shot of abbie walking away from the bag

this would suugest that abbie has killed celaine and she is in the bag.


Script: for start

Abbie: you need to look after something for me

Celaine: were not friends anymore I don’t need to do this.

Abbie: yes you do. Ill have to kill you if you cant.

Celaine: (shakes head)

Abbie: take it.

Celaine: (takes the box, and walks away)


Storyboard for start of film

Storyboard for start of film

1.) it will fade to black from the opening sequence and then there will be an esballishing shot of a bench with “2 week earlier” written across the top.
2.)celaine will be sat on the bench already.
3.) it will then zoom into the bench as abbie will walk into the scene, she will sit down on the bench.
4.) a conversation will then start between the two about this box, how if she looses the box abbie will have to kill her. this is a hint to what will happen later in the film.
5.) the box will then be handed to celaine, close up of the box.
6.) celaine gets worried about what is in the box, but abbie just tells her to keep it and not loose it.
7.) celaine then walks away with the box, whilst abbie stays on the bench.


Feeback: Second draft

After showing people the second draft of our video, most of the feedback was positive however they suggested that we put the beginning of the film in there as well to set the story up as our opening sequence is more like a separate story.

We decided to do this so we planned what the rest of the film would be about so that we could write and opening to the film. We decided to keep it so that there was still some mystery to what the rest of the film is going to be about.


Feedback on first draft

After showing people the opening sequence for our film to people we asked for some feedback, they said that the video was too long for an opening sequence so we should shorten it down to two minutes or less. They also said that when the music stops and it zooms into the sunset that the zoom doesn’t look as good and doesn’t go with the rest of the opening sequence. However when the watched the opening sequence they felt like it had a story to it and wasn’t just random and that it matches the horror theme. Everyone who saw our opening sequence knew it was horror straight away.  When the music ends in our opening sequence after the running scene, our feedback would suggest that we should have some more as the rest of our sequence is in silence. As we put all our name titles over the video and then the title was on its own screen it looked a little messy, they suggested that we put it over the video like the other titles, or change all the titles to be the same.